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Schools have the option of booking Clio for a variety of services, including:

Click on a service below to learn more

Mindfulness and Media

Digital Wellness Workshops
for Faculty,  Students and Parents

  • For Faculty:  Drawing from current research on neuroscience, technology design, and cognitive development, this workshop offers tools for  to help students make the most of digital devices while avoiding some of the challenges posed by these technologies.Topics include: algorithms and the dopamine reward loop, the attention economy, and the unique vulnerability of young brains to gaming and social media addiction.  A practical approach for teachers to promoting intentional habits of attention and supporting students cultivate digital wellness, both in and out of the classroom.


  • For Students: The workshop teaches students in grades 6-12 techniques to better understand their current digital lives and how to create strong habits of intentional attention that will serve them in all areas of their lives, at home, at school and with friends.   Students will learn: how social media and gaming platforms are designed to keep them ‘hooked’ the dangers of doom scrolling, the importance of phone-free time with friends and family, the value of micro-breaks, and ways to bring greater awareness to their media habits and incorporate digital wellness into their self-care.


  • For Parents:  Designed to address the real challenges families face integrating digital devices into daily life, and balancing time together with time online, this workshop offers parents practical tools to support their kids in developing healthy technology habits. Topics include; social media and social comparison, the teen brain and digital habituation, the benefits of digital wellness practices in the areas of focus, emotional self-regulation and time management, the importance of modeling healthy digital behavior, phone-free bedrooms and non-digital family time. 



Breathe you are online

Custom Lectures & Workshops 

Hire Dr. Jackaway as a guest speaker to address students, faculty or parents.
She will tailor the topic to the audience, your school mission, or a recent event in the news.


The lectures draw from the 6 key themes of the Clio Curriculum. 


  • Includes lecture + breakout session with exercises

  • Customized to fit the school mission or the needs of the community

  • Can address specific current events or cultural trends

  • Designed to help faculty address potentially sensitive issues in the classroom



Mediated Communication: Social Media: Pros and Cons

Narratives and Society: Using Popular Culture in the Classroom

Mind and Media: The Language of Tribalism in a Divided Nation

Freedom of Expression: Political Protests and Democracy 

Communication Ethics: Cyberbullying and Hate Speech Online

Representation and Reality: Fake news, Science Denial, and Conspiracy Theories


Download full list of topics here.

Custom Lectures and Workshops

Communication Across the Curriculum

TIER ONE: Introduction

For schools interested in providing their faculty with an introduction to how Communication and Media Studies can be integrated into their courses.


  • ½ Day Professional Development Lecture: Half-day lecture to allow your faculty to sample the concept of ‘Communication Across the Curriculum.’ 


  • Full Day Professional Development Program: This program includes a morning lecture followed by afternoon breakout sessions with faculty from various subject areas. It introduces the links between Clio’s curriculum and each teacher’s discipline.

TIER TWO: Application

For schools ready to implement Clio into their curriculum


  • ½ Day with Faculty from Each Discipline:  Lecture followed by a seminar-style workshop where faculty members will explore ways to integrate the curriculum into their own courses.


  • Full Day with Faculty from Each Discipline:  Morning lecture, followed by workshop with faculty by grade level. This could be done one discipline at a time, or with paired disciplines, such as English and Social Studies, or Science and Math.


  • Individual/Small Group Faculty Support: Workshops offered in small groups or individually, to provide guidance in integrating Clio into specific subject areas. This can be done with groups of faculty who teach different sections of the same course. It will help them integrate the curriculum into their lesson plans for the term or for the whole year. 


  • Ongoing Support: Ongoing support to assist faculty throughout the year, answer any questions that may arise, and ensure the school is meeting their teaching objectives.

TIER THREE: Custom Curriculum Integration

Clio’s program can be tailored to support your school’s specific mission. At this level, Clio will work closely with the curriculum design team or program heads to weave Clio’s themes into the existing 6-12 curriculum in a way best suited to the overall school culture and priorities.

TIER FOUR: Full Curriculum Design

For new schools, or for those interested in a more complete curriculum redesign. At this level, Clio will work closely with the school administrators and faculty heads to weave the curriculum throughout their courses. Students will benefit from a consistent and recurring exposure to key communication themes and concepts throughout their learning journey.

Free Standing Communication & Media Studies Course(s):

Clio can also help to create free standing upper level electives to provide students with a more in-depth coverage of specialized topics. Examples include Media Law, Media Regulation, Communication and Philosophy, and Advertising and Society.  


Want to bring Clio to your school?

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