About Clio
"The history of media is never more, or less, than a history of their uses, which always lead us away from them to the social practices and conflicts they illuminate."
—Professor Carolyn Marvin
Annenberg School for Communication
University of Pennsylvania
Inspired by the Greek Goddess of History
In Greek mythology, Clio was the goddess of history. The daughter of Zeus and Mnemosyne (the goddess of memory), and one of the nine muses, she is traditionally depicted holding a scroll and quill, or seated beside an open book. Clio’s name is derived from the Greek word that means to recount or celebrate.
According to legend, Clio’s role was to recite all of the great discoveries and accomplishments in history. She would declare them to the public, narrating the incredible deeds of heroes of the past, offering inspiration for the present, and guidance for the future.
Clio Founder, Dr. Gwenyth Jackaway
Clio is the culmination of a lifetime of work by Dr. Gwenyth Jackaway, a media historian with thirty years of experience as a communications professor. She is driven by a passion to help young people learn to navigate the current digital environment wisely.
The Clio Curriculum begins from the premise that a solid grounding in media history is essential for a genuine understanding of today’s Information Age.
We are not the first to wonder at the changes brought by new communication technologies. By studying the impact of earlier media—such as the printing press, the telephone, and radio—we can make sense of the challenges of contemporary digital culture, and help the students of today be better prepared for the world of tomorrow.
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
- Philosopher George Santayana